Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Boooo to rainy days!

Why do rainy days have the power to make one feel gloomy? Well guess what rainy day… I am not going to let you turn me into a grumpy, sourpuss for the entire day. I have a weapon and it is Etsy.

I love to search for items on Etsy by using the pounce feature. This almost always guarantees a unique find and today did not let me down. As soon as I came across this little shop I started to smile.

I find other people’s ideas and creativity to be so interesting. There is no doubt in my mind that you must be an amazing and fun person to come up with the idea of sushi slippers!!!!

So I give to you……… Sushi Booties

Thanks Sushi Booties for being so creative and turning my rainy day into a sunny one.

Make sure to check her out at her Etsy shop http://www.etsy.com/shop/sushibooties

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